Asian American Activist Teens Project

In Spring of 2021, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, Dr. Lydia Ahn and I launched this survey study with Asian American teenagers, ages 14-18. Questions in the survey asked about how Asian American teens' parents talked to them about race, ethnicity, and culture; how parents supported youth in reaction to the anti-Asian climate in the United States; and how youth felt about systemic racism and Black populations.

So far, one paper has been published with this data looking at how the combination of different types of socialization messages from parents related to Asian American youth's colorblind and anti-Black attitudes (Atkin & Ahn, 2022). One finding from this study was that youth with mothers who talked more about race and provided more messages about appreciating diversity and systemic racism had less anti-Black attitudes than youth whose mothers talked a little less frequently about these topics.

Dr. Lydia Ahn, Jacqueline Yi, and Jocelyn Li are collaborators on this project.


Profiles of racial socialization messages from mothers and fathers and the colorblind and anti-Black attitudes of Asian American adolescents

Annabelle L. Atkin, Lydia HaRim Ahn

Journal of Youth and Adolescence, vol. 51, 2022, pp. 1048-1061


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