The Loving Project

The Loving Project, named after the Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court case that ended the ban on interracial marriages, is a study capturing the experiences of Multiracial college students. The original Loving Collaborative research team includes Dr. Keita Christophe, Dr. Christine Wu, Abigail Gabriel, Clarissa Abidog, Dr. Gaby Stein, Dr. Rich Lee, and Dr. Brandon Yoo. Dr. Chelsea Derlan Williams is also a new collaborator working with the team to analyze and publish the data.

Dr. Atkin has been involved in three of the papers produced from this project so far (see below), but we are working on many more to come!


Race terminology in the field of psychology: Acknowledging the growing multiracial population in the U.S.

Annabelle L. Atkin, N. K. Christophe, G. Stein, Abigail K. Gabriel, Richard M. Lee

The American psychologist, vol. 77(3), 2022, pp. 381-393

The development and validation of the Familial Support of Multiracial Experiences Scale

Annabelle L. Atkin, N. K. Christophe, Hyung Chol Yoo, Abigail K. Gabriel, Christine S. Wu

The Counseling Psychologist, vol. 50(1), 2022, pp. 40-66

Examining Multiracial pride, identity-based challenges, and discrimination: An exploratory investigation among Biracial emerging adults

N. K. Christophe, Annabelle L. Atkin, G. Stein, Michele Chan

Race and Social Problems, vol. 14, 2022, pp. 22-38


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